Weapons Offenses
The right to bear arms under the second amendment of the constitution is not an absolute right. The ownership of firearms and other weapons is heavily regulated by both federal and state governments with various laws in place that dictate the use, possession, sale, and distribution of weapons. Being charged with any weapons offense is a serious matter with strong penalties and long-lasting consequences.
If you are charged with a weapons offense, you need an experienced, committed criminal defense team. Don’t let a weapons charge ruin your future or freedom. Thomas Amburgey’s vast criminal law experience includes handling federal and state-level weapons offenses. As a former prosecutor and board-certified specialist, Thomas has the qualifications and experience that you need. Your choice of Thomas as your lawyer represents your strongest decision toward defending against these offenses.
Common Weapons Offenses
Certain individuals in North Carolina are not allowed to possess firearms for various reasons. These individuals include convicted felons, those who lack mental capacity, or persons who are subject to a domestic violence protective order. Additionally, it is a crime to possess an unregistered firearm in North Carolina or a firearm that does not have a serial number. It is the responsibility of the owner to register a gun, even if it was purchased privately.
It is legal to openly carry a firearm in North Carolina, however, there are exceptions as to where firearms are permitted. In addition, some individuals are allowed to carry a concealed weapon with a valid permit. A concealed carry permit can be obtained by a U.S Citizen who is at least 21 years old, who completes an 8-hour training class, and meets other requirements. Conceal carry permits also cover the carrying of stun guns, bowie knives, and brass knuckles. Even with a concealed carry permit, there are certain circumstances where firearms and weapons are not allowed. For example, firearms are not to be carried on any school property, into courthouses, or in establishments where alcohol is sold.
Some of the most common weapon offense charges include:
- Felon in possession of a firearm
- Violation of concealed carry laws
- Assault with a deadly weapon
- Illegal sale of weapons
- Possession of prohibited firearms
- Use of a firearm during the commission of a drug-related crime or felony
- Possession of a weapon in an establishment where alcohol is sold
- Unlawful discharge of a firearm
In North Carolina, some weapon offenses are misdemeanors however, most weapon offenses rise to the level of felonies that carry harsh consequences. Prosecutors will pursue the most severe penalties available when these laws are violated, especially in conjunction with another charge. Depending on the offense and any aggravating factors, some weapon violations can carry significant jail time, impede your future ability to possess firearms, and leave a blemish on your criminal record.
Weapons charges are serious matters. Consult an experienced defense attorney as quickly as possible if you’ve been charged with a firearm violation. Thomas Amburgey’s extensive trial experience allows him to understand any weaknesses that exist in the state’s case, how to best communicate with the DA, and place you in a position to achieve the best possible outcome for your matter. He is committed to protecting your future and your rights under the Constitution. Call Thomas today for a consultation to discuss your legal options.



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